Medical Humanities, Compassion
Care and Bioethics at Stony Brook
University in New York. I Ie knows
this not only from research but also
from firsthand experience. As a boy,
on days when he felt sad and bored,
his Irish mother would say, “Stevie,
why don’t you go out and do some-
thing for somebody.” His bad mood
invariably lifted with each good
deed. “The secret to joy is in being
generous,” Post says.
Need a place to start? The Salvation
Army welcomes volunteer bell
ringers every holiday season. Go to
and sign up for a time
slot at a red kettle near you. Bring a
musical friend along so she can sing
carols as you swing the bell. Tbe two
of you will laugh and talk your way
to a very joyful place.
atched and
all aro u n d
woke before dawn after
spending; die night on my fattiei
in-law’s ooat anu climbedxaj
the deck with a mug of (InfTee.
Everyone else was sleeping.
The boat was moored in a small
harbor off die coast of California
and ribbons of pink began to
stretch across the sky. My senses
were heightened in a way I
hadn’t experienced before. The
salt air was exquisite. Seals
glided beneath the hoar. The
old wooden dock groaned from
die «indy iolling sea. 1 watched
and listened to the world come
hack to life all around me.
Sometimes joy comes simply by
savoring a new day, something I
forget to do often enough.
Richard Swraringcr
sen io r editor, fo o d and en tertain in g
i f
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